Somatic Therapy

“Soma” means “body.”

Everything we experience– sensations, emotions, thoughts and behaviors - happens in our bodies. Somatic Experiencing (SE®) is a way of healing from stress and trauma by focusing on our experience in the present moment, allowing us to heal from current or past events without having to relive them. Becoming aware of what feels good to us, even in the midst of pain, creates new neurological connections that can calm anxiety or ease depression. It’s an approach you can use in daily life for minor or intense experiences.

I am a certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) with the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute in Colorado.


Transforming Touch/Transforming Presence

Transforming Touch®/Transforming Presence supports healing from early trauma.  When basic needs for comfort or protection are unmet in childhood, patterns of stress develop, creating neural pathways that affect us throughout our lives. As emotional or physical challenges occur, we may have neither the flexibility nor the psychological and physiological resources to engage our natural healing processes. If you are open to it, we can bring healing attention to your body. Whether you want to keep talking or you wish for silence, your nervous system settles into greater emotional and physiological equilibrium. With a steadier nervous system, you’ll find yourself capable of being present to yourself more often, able to assess your needs and find ways to meet them. More centered in yourself, your capacity to engage and feel connected with others and the natural world may grow in ways you could only previously imagine.


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